Trauma Olympics: A Game No One Should Play

Forget the 2024 Olympics that have started this week, we want to talk about the “trauma olympics”! It’s a casual term used for a very serious problem, often seen on social media or with narcissistic parents. The term “trauma olympics” refers to the unspoken competition where people compare their traumas to determine whose is the […]

What is Covert Sexual Abuse?

When people talk of sexual abuse in a trauma context, they’re usually talking about overt sexual abuse. However, another form of sexual abuse exists, and it’s something that can be much harder to identify and understand. Covert sexual abuse involves actions that are sexual in nature but don’t include sexual contact, making it a subtle […]

What is passive-aggressive behaviour and why is it harmful?

Dice showing the words 'passive aggressive'

Communication is the backbone of human interaction, but not all forms of communication are created equal. Among the various styles, passive-aggressive communication stands out for its subtlety and often masked hostility. It’s like a poisonous plant disguised as a harmless flower, wreaking havoc on relationships and dynamics. We’ve seen some examples of passive-aggressive behaviour in […]

Is it time for a “friendship break-up”?

A stop sign in front of an empty road in a forest

Friendships are a vital part of our lives, providing us with support, joy, and companionship. We often share personal values or political and religious views with our friends; sometimes it’s a shared sense of humour; or we enjoy the same hobbies and interests. Our need for connection has been part of human behaviour from the […]

Why New Year’s resolutions are setting you up for failure

If you promised yourself that this would be the year you’d finally commit to the gym, start journalling, or escape debt, you’re not alone. Like millions of others, you may already be preparing to throw yourself headfirst into big changes, thinking that sheer determination alone will empower you to achieve your goals from January 1st. […]