112. Is My Mother Toxic or Am I Being Unfair?

You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse – out now: UK, US (affiliate links) TW: Pregnancy loss Despite a history of cold, abusive behaviour from her mother leading to a trail of broken family bonds, our listener is haunted by the notion that ‘life is short’. She […]

111. YNTP Book Launch

You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse – out now: UK, US (affiliate links) This week we break from the usual format to talk about one of the most surreal weeks we’ve had, embarking on a whistlestop media tour of Ireland to launch YNTP! Plus, we make […]

110. Can a Narcissist Change?

You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse – out now: UK, US (affiliate links) As her father prepares to reconcile with her abusive mother, our listener feels like she’s at breaking point. Her father begs her to put their differences aside for a family wedding, […]

109. Interview with Harriet Shearsmith – The Book!

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week we chat with previous guest Harriet Shearsmith, author and host of Unfollowing Mum. After Harriet’s exclusive early access to ‘You’re Not the Problem’, we hear how the […]

108. When is a golden child not a golden child?

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week we’re sharing one of the most popular episodes of our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. As part of our series examining family roles, we take an […]

107. Why Can’t I Communicate With My Husband?

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week our listener explains that no matter the situation or her part in it, she always feels like the problem. She describes her husband as a good man […]

106. The Invisible Man

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week our listener struggles to come to terms with how differently he is treated compared to his sibling. Despite his brother leaving a trail of chaos and personal […]

105. How Do I Make Peace with My Past?

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week our listener describes how she managed to break free from a life dominated by her abusive father under the guise of religion. Despite breaking free, she found […]

104. Can I make it on my own?

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week our listener is questioning whether her husband is emotionally abusive, or are the wounds of her childhood blurring the lines? After years of control […]

103. Invisible or Enmeshed?

PRE ORDER ‘YOU’RE NOT THE PROBLEM’ HERE! AMAZON UK, AMAZON US (affiliate links) This week our listener is struggling to know how to manage her relationship with her mother. She feels completely invisible, and thinks of herself as an […]